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It's Already Yours!

Hello to all who have decided to take a look at my blog! If this is your first time coming into contact with my site, I simply want to welcome you to From Pieces to Masterpiece! I pray that my blog both encourages and inspires you not only in your daily journey but to come back to check out my newer blogs and those previously written :)

A lot of people have been asking, "where have you been, Kim?" and "what's been going on with you?" and to answer your questions, I've just been working and trying to better myself spiritually.

TRANSPARENT MOMENT: My walk with God is very stagnant at the moment and it seems like I'm never really growing. For example, I'll be doing so well in my walk (praying, worshiping, meditating, reading the word daily) then after awhile it seems as if I don't have the desire or motivation to do any of those things anymore. I'll spend a few hours at work which does tire me out but instead of having the urge to spend time with God afterwards, I'd rather get on my computer or cell phone. But I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ who not only understand where I'm coming from but are going through the same thing at the moment. So not only are we holding each other accountable but we are studying the word and completing bible plans together, which is allowing me to get back on track. PRAISE THE LORD!

But back to today's topic: being still while God is working! So I believe that my latest blog stated that I applied to a few medical schools and I wanted to give you all an update on this journey. As we all know, applying to medical school is not something that you wake up one morning and decide to do. Because of how competitive the selection is, you must truly plan ahead regarding taking the MCAT, knowing who to receive a letter of recommendation from, taking courses you did not have the time to take during undergrad or even retaking courses you may have failed, finding a physician to shadow and the list goes on. Honestly, my application was fairly decent. I wouldn't say that it was the best but from the time that I was alloted, I did what I was able to do. For those who aren't familiar with my story, I applied to medical school completely out of nowhere. It was out of nowhere because I was actually preparing for the military but this even though it was so sudden for me, it wasn't all of a sudden for God. It wasn't something that I planned on doing at the moment but when God prompts you to move, you simply obey Him. You don't ask any questions, whine or complain; you just move because you know that He has it already worked out. But out of the 7 schools that I applied to, 6 already rejected me and I know that it's because of how I performed on my MCAT. I honestly didn't even want to apply considering that my scores weren't what was deemed as competitive but I stepped out on faith. There is one school left that I haven't heard back from but I assumed that the school already selected who they wanted by now, considering that it's almost May. However, I'm operating in faith and believing that maybe I haven't heard back yet because God is not through working on my behalf. It's possible that maybe the school is still considering me but has me on the waitlist, someone who was accepted may have decided to go to another school and the list goes on but nothing is impossible with God.

Even though I am waiting to hear back from the medical school, I have decided to apply to post-baccalaureate programs that are created to allow those students who are interested in taking a "gap year" to utilize it in a way that is beneficial. With postbacc programs, you are able to receive tips on how to master the MCAT, receive more opportunities to shadow, increase your GPA and take courses that you need for medical school. Overall this program is set in stone to help students look more competitive when applying for medical school for the next cycle. So I applied to three but I'm actually not as interested in one of the programs because it starts in May and I'm nowhere near prepared to embark on this journey in like 2 weeks. Don't have an apartment, car, literally just applied for financial aid lol so the programs that are starting in August would be much better as far as preparation is concerned.

But all in all, I'm just allowing God to do His will in my life. Whether He opens that door for me regarding medical school or prefers me to go to grad school first, I'm trusting His plan because He knows me better than I know myself. Not only am I believing to be accepted into one of these programs but I'm also claiming that I will receive the funds to attend school. God blessed me with a full ride to Claflin University for undergrad so I have no doubts about Him not working this out for me. I just thank God that I didn't allow the disappointment of me not being accepted into those 6 medical schools to discourage me from progressing. Our futures truly depend on the perspective that we have at the moment. If you choose to see your circumstances in a negative light, you will miss out on what God has for you in this season. In spite of how things may look right now, keep pushing, praying and progressing because God already knew about these obstacles that we have to overcome. These obstacles are set in stone not to hinder you but only to help you. They are also set in stone to make you appreciate all of the struggles, closed doors and even "no's" you received before you reached that point.

So I pray that this blog encourages you all to keep going in spite of feeling that urge to give in. Things may not happen when you want them to but trust that God's timing is perfect. You WILL be that amazing doctor, teacher, principal, lawyer, chef, police officer, interior designer and whatever else it is that you desire but it may take some time until you reach that point. But just remember to praise God through every season and keep your faith rooted in Him! You have this and it's already yours!

Thanks for reading! God bless you all <3

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