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The Encourager Needs Encouragement Too

Hello everyone! Thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read my latest blog. Today, I was led to talk about how sometimes we as encouragers need encouragement as well. This is a topic that is very personal to me because for many years and still to this day, I struggle with finding the thin line between being there for others and tending to myself. The saying "you can't pour from an empty cup" is sooo true and important. This basically means that it's so vital to take care of yourself. Growing up, a lot of us were raised to put the needs of others before ourselves but as you get older, you realize how important it is to make sure that you're caring for yourself. Because let's be honest, if you don't have you, who will? It is normal to think that we are "selfish" for putting others on the back burner but actually, taking care of yourself is self-preservation. Self-preservation by definition is ensuring that you are protecting yourself from various avenues of harm and even death. There have been many instances where putting the needs of others first has taken a toll on my body. The wake-up call that I needed was when I blacked out during my junior year of undergrad. My body was literally TIRED (physically, emotionally and mentally). Each and every day, I was running back and forth from office to office to class to class, holding and fulfilling many positions in organizations, I didn't know how to tell people "no" and the list goes on. Because of this, there were many sleepless nights mainly because I had to do my assignments late and often, I didn't eat dinner. We often say that our bodies are temples when it comes to sexual instances or when discussing piercings or tattoos. But our bodies are temples that should be properly cared for in a healthy sense as well. It's so important to exercise, drink lots of water, eat healthy and maintain the proper hours of rest. One thing that I've noticed about myself is that whenever my "cup"/"tank" begins to become empty, I literally feel empty as well. I begin to feel like there's no hope for me, like there's nobody here who cares for me, what purpose do I have on this earth? and the list goes on. I've become so focused on the next person's issues that I ended up sweeping mine under the rug. But when my problems resurface, I don't know how to handle them properly because they seem so overwhelming and hitting me all at once. And one thing about satan is that he enjoys the moments where you are in a low place. Those moments where you seem hopeless and helpless because then he will be able to plant negative seeds in your mind to attack. He wants you to think that nobody loves you, that God isn't listening to or answering your prayers and that you don't have any reason to be alive. But those are all lies from the pits of hell and I'm glad that I realized that. In July, I actually went through a phase where I felt exactly like this and simply wanted to end my life. It was all because I didn't know how to take time out for myself and to simply relax and refill my "tank". MAJOR KEY: please how to tell people no because we honestly can't be everything for everyone. There will be times where you simply can't do what others may expect or desire of you but by you telling them no, you are allowing yourself to improve your productivity and mental health. I know that we don't like to hurt feelings but we must learn how to value who we are and to make ourselves a priority.

So with all of this being said lol, I pray that you all begin to make yourself a priority. Not saying that you shouldn't take the time out to assist others because that's what God's love is about but make sure that you're able to determine when you have pushed yourself too far to the side. I pray that this has motivated and inspired someone who was led to reading my blog. God bless you all and see you next Sunday. Peace and blessings :)

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