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Just Letting God Do His Thing

Greetings and salutations everyone! It's truly been awhile you guys and I apologize for taking a break with writing my blogs. Ideally I wanted to make sure that the Holy Spirit was leading me to write about something which is why I "took a break". I honestly didn't want to write about random things and not have my message reach anyone but I didn't realize how impactful my blogs were until a friend of mine asked "why don't you write your blogs anymore?". It was then that I realized that I wasn't writing for me. All that I've been through and currently am going through is beneficial for me to relate to the next person. With that being said, I can't stop writing my blogs because there are many people out there who desire to know that there is someone similar to them and more importantly, these spiritual blogs will allow me to be transparent thus winning souls for the glory of God!

So the title of this blog is "Just Letting God Do His Thing" because geez that's what my life has been centered around lately. A lot has been happening in my life where I could not control the outcome of the circumstance that I was in. Thus I literally had no other choice but to place my faith in God and trust in His process.

I believe that I've noted in my previous blogs that I was a recent college graduate. Lately my life has not been what I've desired it to be but God always has a greater plan for our lives. Currently I am working and honestly I am not comfortable where I am working. When I first started my job, I felt more happiness because I was just grateful to have a job considering how difficult it can be to find one after graduating college, let alone period lol. Aside from that, God has instilled in me SO much that I would have been oblivious to if I would have been in medical school right now. Yes, one of my ultimate goals in life is to be a pediatrician which is why I'm aiming and decreeing in Jesus' Name to be in medical school for the upcoming Fall. I didn't apply for medical school during my senior year of college because I didn't believe that my GPA was competitive enough. I basically allowed so many negative thoughts sent from the enemy to cause me to believe that I wasn't smart enough. Not only that but I forgot that it's because of GOD that doors are opened in our lives and not anything that we do or didn't do. But jumping back to my job, God has taught me so much in this season that is needed to elevate me in all areas of life. He has blessed me with patience, the love for everyone, taught me how to remain humble, showed me how to live with faith and allowed me to notice how I could relate customer service with being a physician. You may not understand where the two positions tie together but as a physician it's important to be understanding, a great listener, patient, sympathetic and the list goes on but those are important in customer service as well. But now I'm feeling as if my time at my current job is over. I do believe that sometimes we have to learn how to be comfortable in our uncomfortableness but I shouldn't be where I'm not blossoming spiritually at the same time.

I have been looking for more professional jobs that will allow me to utilize my degree and will pay a lot more than I'm making right now. I didn't want to do this at first because I didn't believe that God wanted me to make such moves without telling me first. But a sister in Christ told me "you can believe all day that God will bless you but if you aren't taking the steps, He can't order them" and that really spoke to me. I strongly believe that God would not want me to be comfortable with being mediocre or even unhappy. I believe that He has so much out there for me to obtain and sadly I'm the only person who is limiting me from being great. I was just thinking the other day how I'm not out here 'living my best life" as they say lol. But it's true and sadly once again, it's because of me. The God we serve is limitless and can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think. So if we don't have some or even all of the things that we desire, it's solely our faults not because we didn't ask but because we didn't put in the effort on our side.

But I was inspired by a few sisters and brothers in Christ back in August to apply to medical school. I believe that I wrote in a previous blog that my MCAT score wasn't what I'd hope it to be but God still worked eveything out for me to be able to apply. I applied to 7 medical schools and have been rejected by 4 so far lol. I'm only laughing because throughout this whole process, God has taught me how to be content. There is no need to be upset or frustrated because I know that He has a school for me. He would not have allowed me to come this far for nothing at all so even though waiting is frustrating, I'm still trusting in His process. This is the prime example of letting God do His thing! There is honestly nothing that I could do to get me into medical school, especially with a low test score. I did graduate college with a good GPA and my application excluding the test score, was pretty decent. Even still I have to lean on God and not on my own understanding because He's the one who can place me in positions that no man thought was possible.

So I definitely understand how horrible waiting on God can be especially when we want something at a certain time. But we have to place our trust in God and understand that while we are waiting, He is shaping us and teaching us things that are essential for the next season. So don't view your waiting as punishment but as a part of your purpose. Just pray for God to reveal to you why you are in the current season that you're in and He will show you. In spite of all of my waiting, I am grateful of the lessons that only He could have taught me. A scripture that I've been holding fast to for the last few months was Galatians 6:9 "Do not grow weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not". I know that it may be frustrating. I know that it may seem like time is limited and you're running out of time. I know that you may be wondering when your breakthrough is coming. I know that you may not see any point of holding on BUT PLEASE DO! God has not neglected your prayer or forgotten about you! He has heard every cry and felt each tear that you've shed. He simply just wants to see where your faith lies. It's so easy to have faith when things are looking wonderfully but where does your faith lie when things seem to be crashing down? Just keep on waiting on the Lord and in due time, your blessing will be on the way. Just continue to praise Him for what you know is about to happen.

2018 is the year of the open door and I'm believing that my breakthrough is on the way!

Many blessings to you all until next time!

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